Order today, with no delay!
Our sister store, pfp mania:
Hola, friends! Welcome to Art Corner! Please read on ~
# about
# order form
# payment form
# how to join
# employees
# reviews
# about
Welcome to Art Corner! Here, we sell:
# profile pictures - want a new profile picture that looks amazing? want a profile picture that isn't the default?
# project thumbnails - *100% RIGHT SIZE GURANTEE* get fantastic thumbnails that encourage people to checkout your project!
# studio thumbnails - *100% RIGHT SIZE GURANTEE* get fabulous thumbnails that encourage people to checkout your studio!
# about layout - we can make the layout for your about section; just edit!
# works of art - we can make you an awesome piece of art for your project!
To review, just drop a comment on your order!
Payment is an upvote on five of the employee's projects if you don't have a Quikcard, as we only accept those.
The ordertaker will decide how much you should pay them when you make your order.
Didn't like your order? Just comment on your order with the reason why, and the ordertaker will return your money. If you've used your order already, you will be obliged to stop using it as it means your
order has been returned**.
# order form
To order...
// what you want to order // specifications (color, design, etc) // notes // would you like to be a member? //
# payment form
When you've completed an order, send this form to the customer.
// ordertaker's bank number // amount to be paid //
I know the bank didn't say, but customers, please tell your banker in a private message that: "Can you transfer [amount to be paid] to [ordertaker's bank number]?". Thanks!
# how to join
Members get a discount - only one upvote for payment!*
Curators are employees, and must check if customer is a member of the studio.
To become a member, order!
To become a curator, fill out the form:
// username // what you can make // out of 10, how quickly can you fulfil orders? // out of 10, how might you be recommended? //
Your pay is JB=500 a week.
# employees
emma-the-artist - everything - 7/10 - 10/10
code-art - everything asides from abouts - 4-9/10 - 6/10
Lilla Mardiui - abouts and wiwos - 10/10 - 10/10
# reviews
Once you've completed your order, please write a review! We'd appreciate it!
speedcoder99 (
https://justcodaborate.org/users-302) on emma-the-artist: 6 out of 5 stars. Comment: AWESOME! Ordered: project thumbnail Date: 17.8.21
-violxt-sparkles- (
https://justcodaborate.org/users-228) on emma-the-artist: 5 out of 5 stars. Comment: Thank you so much, Art Corner! This thumbnail is fantastic, and is just what I needed! I might need to
order again! For anybody who wants to order, order RIGHT NOW! Ordered: studio thumbnail Date: 17.8.21
HuvanaMari123 (
https://justcodaborate.org/users-173) on emma-the-artist: 5 out of 5 stars. Comment: Lovely! Fantastic! Amazing! Customer service is awesome and very cheap price! Thanks! Ordered:
project thumbnail Date: 19.8.21
purple_ghost (
https://justcodaborate.org/users-87) on emma-the-artist: 5 out of 5 stars. Comment: Terrific work and is just what I want for my project! Will use with credit! Ordered: project thumbnail
Date: 29.12.21
katykat (
https://justcodaborate.org/users-329) on Lilla Mardiui: 5 out of 5 stars. Comment: perfect stuff! suits me and very quick to edit! super fast customer service! thanks a million! Ordered: about and wiwo
Date: 29.12.21
codette (
https://justcodaborate.org/users-102) on emma-the-artist: 5 out of 5 stars. Comment: Amazing! Would have gave it a million! I do not regret my order at all. Ordered: pfp Date: 28.12.21
Order today, with no delay!
*New customers must pay original price
**Orders must be returned within 14 days of being ordered