Welcome to the studio: pfp mania ~

Owned by: emma-pfps

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hi there! welcome to pfp mania, where emma-pfps sells exclusive pfps! please read on ~

ANNOUNCEMENT: between 30/12/21 and 3/1/22, pfp mania are doing 200JB off all items! pre-orders also available for any of those dates :))

our rivals, icon park: https://justcodaborate.org/studios-main-19

our sister store, Art Corner: https://justcodaborate.org/studios-main-12
# about
# themed pfps
# silhouette pfps
# gif pfps
# custom pfps
# pfp mania giftcards
# pfp gifts
# pfp package
# pfp resale
# payment form
# how to join
# employees
# about
welcome to pfp mania, where emma-pfps sells exclusive pfps for anyone! we have themed pfps, silhouette pfps, gif pfps and custom pfps, all with a 100% right-size guarantee*, to fit your pfp spaces all over
the platform!

price table: https://justcodaborate.org/projects-1373

some items may be more expensive than their category.
# themed pfps
our themes are:
~ doll (extra JB=5, extra 4 upvotes)
~ outline (extra JB=5, extra 4 upvotes)
~ youtube**
~ justcodaborate***
~ radial gradient background (extra JB=15, extra 12 upvotes)
~ bunny
~ kitten
~ puppy
~ pfps with your name on it (extra JB=5, extra 4 upvotes)

want one? fill out this form and post on emma-pfps' profile or on the discussion board!
// username // theme // specifications (what does the person look like?) // notes // background //
# silhouette pfps
want one? fill out this form and post on emma-pfps' profile or on the discussion board!
// username // what's the silhouette of? // notes // background (solid color only) //
# gif pfps
gif pfps have the maximum of three pfps, minimum of two. in the form, you'll add links to the ones you want to use (you can order the pfps you'd like to use individually first). if you really need four or five pfps,
there is an additional JB=20, extra 15 upvotes. fill out the form below for your gif pfp!
// username // notes // pfp 1 link // pfp 2 link // pfp 3 link //
# custom pfps
get your very own custom pfps with YOUR specifications! fill out this form and post on emma-pfps' profile or on the discussion board!
// username // specifications (what does the person look like?) // notes // background (solid color or two colors [vertical or horizontal] only) //
# pfp mania giftcards
like pfp mania and want your friend to order too? perhaps there's something special happening and you'd like them to come and order a new pfp? then remix the project below, send it to them and let them
know it's their -JB=50 (-5 upvotes) giftcard at pfp mania!


they can just post a link to their giftcard on the discussion board and they'll get their pfp! want to gift them a pfp? read about pfp mania gifts!
# pfp mania gifts
like pfp mania and think your friend might like a new pfp? perhaps there's something special happening and you can't think of what to give them? then in the notes section of your order, mention that it's a gift,
along with your friends username!
# pfp package
want multiple pfps to switch to from time to time, or perhaps you need multiple pfps for all your accounts? fill out multiple forms on separate lines for your pfp package, with -JB=200 (-5 upvotes) on the total
cost of your order!
# pfp resale
if you must, you can resell our pfps - as long as you give credit to the shop, it's allowed. however, silhouette pfps and gif pfps cannot be resold. if you are thinking of reselling, please inform pfp mania before
you do so.
# payment form
when your order has been completed, the person fulfilling your order will private message the following form to you.
// ordertaker's bank number // amount to be paid to ordertaker //
after that, please send the following message to the bank: "Can you transfer [amount to be paid to ordertaker] to [ordertaker's bank number]?"

if you'd like to pay in CashCount, please add to the notes of your order. ordertakers, please send this to the bank: "Can you transfer [amount to be paid to you] to my account, and remove [amount to be paid to
you] from [customer] (CashCount, to my [Quikcard or CashCount])?"
# how to join
members are ordertakers of pfp mania, who fulfil and take orders. the only curator is emma-pfps main account, who may also take and fulfil orders.

to become an employee, fill out the form:
// username // what type of pfps you can make // out of 10, how quickly can you fulfil orders? // out of 10, how might you be recommended? //

please do not use request to join.

your pay is the cost of the item you make.
# employees
our employees are:
emma-pfps/emma-the-artist: recommended~10/10 - fulfils orders~7/10 - makes all pfps

code-art: recommended~6/10 - fulfils orders~4-9/10 - makes all pfps

*this means it will be the right-size; not squished!
**this means it has a youtube logo on it!
***this means it has a justcodaborate logo on it!