Welcome to the studio: JUSTCodaborate Apps || Books

Owned by: purple_ghost

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Welcome to JUSTCodaborate Apps! This is the books studio, where anybody can add a story or writing piece!

Curators of this studio and our other ones review the links in the discussion board which are posted by authors. If it doesn't pass the criteria, it won't be added.

Members are authors who can post links to their work in the discussion board.

Before you add your work to this studio, make sure it reaches the following criteria:
- has a thumbnail that acts as a cover
- is an original piece of writing
- if anything, such as illustrations, are made by anyone else, credit has been given
- can be in any category!

In fact, you can even send in interactive stories!

Once your project reaches the above criteria, remix your project and name it, '[book title] - by [username]'. Make sure your remix is public!

In the description of your remix, add the following:
- Book title: [book title]
- Author: [your username] (with link)
- Genre: [book genre]
- Book description: [description of 500 words or less]

To join as a curator, please fill out this form and post in the discussion board of our main studio:
// username // why you'd like to join //

To join as an author, please fill out this form and post in the discussion board of this studio:
// username // why you'd like to join //

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Main - https://justcodaborate.org/studios-main-18
Editors' Pick - https://justcodaborate.org/studios-main-21
Apps - https://justcodaborate.org/studios-main-22
Apps to Review - https://justcodaborate.org/studios-main-23