Welcome to the studio: JUSTCodaborate Bank

Owned by: purple_ghost

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Welcome to JUSTCodaborate Bank! We manage money for the JUSTCodaborate community to use for payments in stores, etc. Our currency is JBucks (JB).

- How to register
- Curators and members
- Quikcards
- CashCounts
- We're hiring!

To register for a bank account, please fill out the form below and post in the discussion board. A curator will create an account for you and comment on your profile once they've given you a Quikcard
(if wanted) as soon as they can.

// username // card type (Quikcard, CashCount or both) // why do you need an account? //

Curators create new bank accounts, manage balances and create/manage Quikcards for the bank. Members manage CashCounts for the bank.

If you're a member and are promoted, your role transfers to the role of a curator.

Anybody who registers for a Quikcard will also receive a project created by the employee of the bank that setup your account. From your Quikcard, you can manage your money and request for transactions.

Quikcards are designed in the style of a credit card and to pay with it, you will give your Quikcard number.

CashCounts are the cash version of a Quikcard. The disadvantage is that you must ask an employee to find out if you have enough in your account to pay. Instead of giving a bank number to pay, you would let
an employee know how much to receive or to give away (along with username).

Did you know JUSTCodaborate Bank are looking for employees? Fill out the form below and the Bank may consider hiring you!

// username // on a scale of 1-10, how often do you sign in? // would you like to be a member or curator? // are you good at making calculations quickly? // on a scale of 1-10, how frequently do you think you'd
check for anything new in the studio? //

You get paid 100 every time you create a Quikcard or CashCount.