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Mystic Maze
<!-- Created by multiple authors, including: zaydor (https://justcodaborate.com/user-18) Ibraheem (https://justcodaborate.com/user-52) Illyaas (https://justcodaborate.com/user-49) JUSTCodaborate (https://justcodaborate.com/user-6) Created by zaydor, Ibraheem, Illyaas and JUSTCodaborate, subject to copyright. DO (optional): How many points did you get? Message the authors (if you wish to share). Extra: Leaderboard will be updated often. DO (required): Please upvote this and follow the authors! Tip: Best played in fullscreen. Note: Sorry, suggestions, ideas or complaints aren't welcome. --> <!DOCTYPE HTML> <html> <head> <title>Page Title</title> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta name='viewport' content='width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0'> </head> <body> <div class="container"> <div class = "div1">Mystic Maze</div> <div class = "maze topline"></div> Â <div class = "maze leftline"></div> <div class = "maze rightline"></div> <div class = "maze bottomline"> </div> Â <div class = "maze startline1"></div> Â <div class = "maze startline2"> </div> Â <div class = "maze startline3"></div> <div class = "maze startline4"></div> <div class = "maze startline5"></div> <div class = "maze startline6"></div> <div class = "maze startline7"></div> <div class = "maze startline8"></div> <div class = "maze startline9"></div> <div class = "maze middleline1"></div> <div class = "maze middleline2"></div> <div class = "maze middleline3"></div> <div class = "maze middleline4"></div> <div class = "maze middleline5"></div> <div class = "maze middleline6"></div> <div class = "maze middleline7"></div> <div class = "maze middleline8"></div> <div id="you"> <div class="body"></div> <div class="head"></div> <div class="right-leg"></div> <div class="left-hand"></div> <div class="left-leg"></div> <div class="right-hand"></div> </div> <div class="ghost" id="ghost1"> <img src="https://justcodaborate.com/project_images/ghost%20image.png" alt="ghost"> </div> <div class="zombie" id="zombie1"> <img src="https://justcodaborate.com/project_images/zombie.jpg" alt="zombie"> </div> <div class="vampire"> <img src="https://justcodaborate.com/project_images/vampire%20image.gif" alt="vampire"> </div> <div class="bat" id="bat1"> <img src="https://justcodaborate.com/project_images/bat%20image.jpg" alt="bat"> </div> <div class="gem" id="gem1"> <img src="https://justcodaborate.com/project_images/GameGem.png" alt="gem"> </div> <div class="powerup" id="powerup"> <img src="https://justcodaborate.com/project_images/Powerup.png" alt="powerup"> </div> </div> <div id="restart_div"> <button disabled id="restart">Rerun to play again!</button> </div> <script src="https://getyourbooksonline.uk/jquery.min.js"></script> </body> </html>
@import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Press+Start+2P&display=swap'); body { margin: 0 auto; background-color: black; animation: light 3s infinite; } @keyframes light { 0% {background-color: black;} 100% {background-color: white;} } .container { width: 920px; height: 690px; } #you { position: absolute; } .ghost img { width: 80px; height: 80px; } .ghost { position: absolute; } #ghost1 { top: 140px; left: 50px; } .zombie img { width: 80px; height: 140px; } .zombie { position: absolute; } #zombie1 { top: 140px; left: 460px; } .vampire img { width: 100px; height: 140px; } .vampire { top: 240px; width: 80px; height: 80px; position: absolute; left: 100px; } .bat img { height: 80px; width: 80px; } .bat { position: absolute; } #bat1 { top: 550px; left: 850px; } .gem img { width: 30px; height: 30px; } .gem { position: absolute; } #gem1 { top: 80px; left: 60px; } .body{ height:25px; width:25px; position: absolute; top: 80px; left: 8px; background-color:red; } .head{ height:15px; width:15px; background-color:#ffd500; position:absolute; top:75px; left:23px; border-radius:50px; } .left-hand{ height:15px; width:4px; background-color:#ffd500; position:absolute; top:95px; left:8px; } .right-hand{ height:8px; width:4px; background-color:#ffd500; position:absolute; top:105px; left:27px; } .left-leg{ height:20px; width:5px; background-color:blue; position:absolute; top:100px; left:13px; } .right-leg{ height:15px; width:5px; background-color:blue; position:absolute; top:105px; left:22px; } .powerup img { width: 70px; height: 40px; } .powerup { position: absolute; } #restart_div { position: absolute; height: 100vh; width: 100%; background-color: #525252; color: white; margin: 0; font-family: sans-serif; font-size: 40px; text-align: center; display: none; } #restart { border: none; padding: 25px; color: white; background-color: #8a64ff; font-size: 30px; margin-top: 30%; } .div1{ font-family: 'Press Start 2P'; font-size: 40px; padding:10px; border: #7d9267 ridge 5px ; max-width:460px; animation: mymove 4s 3; position: relative;} @keyframes mymove { 0%{left: 0px;} 50%{left:550px;}100%{left: 0px;}} .topline{ position:absolute; top:130px; left:90px; border:07px solid; height:0px; width:860px; } .leftline{ position:absolute; top:225px; left:90px; border:07px solid; height:565px; width:0px; } .rightline{ position:absolute; top:130px; left:960px; border:07px solid; height:670px; width:0px; } .bottomline{ position:fixed; top:800px; left:90px; border:07px solid; height:0px; width:775px; } .startline1{ position:absolute; top:220px; left:90px; border:07px solid; height:0px; width:95px; } .startline2{ position:absolute; top:130px; left:280px; border:07px solid; height:170px; width:0px; } .startline3{ position:absolute; top:395px; left:195px; border:07px solid; height:0px; width:380px; } .startline4{ position:absolute; top:310px; left:185px; border:07px solid; height:380px; width:0px; } .startline5{ position:absolute; top:225px; left:375px; border:07px solid; height:285px; width:0px; } .startline6{ position:absolute; top:130px; left:471px; border:07px solid; height:170px; width:0px; } .startline7{ position:absolute; top:310px; left:575px; border:07px solid; height:80px; width:0px; } .startline8{ position:absolute; top:220px; left:471px; border:07px solid; height:0px; width:190px; } .startline9{ position:absolute; top:220px; left:674px; border:07px solid; height:295px; width:0px; } .middleline1{ position:absolute; top:515px; left:579px; border:07px solid; height:0px; width:95px; } .middleline2{ position:absolute; top:515px; left:375px; border:07px solid; height:0px; width:95px; } .middleline3{ position:absolute; top:515px; left:575px; border:07px solid; height:95px; width:0px; } .middleline4{ position:absolute; top:610px; left:285px; border:07px solid; height:0px; width:285px; } .middleline5{ position:absolute; top:515px; left:285px; border:07px solid; height:95px; width:0px; } .middleline6{ position:absolute; top:700px; left:90px; border:07px solid; height:0px; width:680px; } .middleline7{ position:absolute; top:220px; left:770px; border:07px solid; height:480px; width:0px; } .middleline8{ position:absolute; top:220px; left:865px; border:07px solid; height:575px; width:0px; } div { color:#7d9267; text-transform: uppercase; }Â
$(function() { var anim_id; var time = 0; var game_over = false; var you = $("#you"); var lives = 3; var points = 0; var ghost1 = $("#ghost1"); var vampire = $(".vampire"); var zombie1 = $("#zombie1"); var bat1 = $("#bat1"); var gem1 = $("#gem1"); var powerup = $("#powerup"); var speed = 2; var move_right = false; var move_left = false; var move_up = false; var move_down = false; var container_left = parseInt($(".container").css('left')); var container_width = parseInt($(".container").width()); var container_height = parseInt($(".container").height()); var you_width = parseInt(you.width()); var you_height = parseInt(you.height()); var restart_div = $('#restart_div'); var restart_btn = $('#restart'); var maze = $('.maze'); $(document).on('keydown', function(e) { if (game_over === false) { var key = e.keyCode; if (key === 37 && move_left === false) { move_left = requestAnimationFrame(left); } else if (key === 39 && move_right === false) { move_right = requestAnimationFrame(right); } else if (key === 38 && move_up === false) { move_up = requestAnimationFrame(up); } else if (key === 40 && move_down === false) { move_down = requestAnimationFrame(down); } } }); $(document).on('keyup', function(e) { if (game_over === false) { var key = e.keyCode; if (key === 37) { cancelAnimationFrame(move_left); move_left = false; } else if (key === 39) { cancelAnimationFrame(move_right); move_right = false; } else if (key === 38) { cancelAnimationFrame(move_up); move_up = false; } else if (key === 40) { cancelAnimationFrame(move_down); move_down = false; } } }); function left() { if (game_over === false && parseInt(you.css('left')) > 0) { you.css('left', parseInt(you.css('left')) - 7); move_left = requestAnimationFrame(left); points++; } } function right() { if (game_over === false && parseInt(you.css('left')) < container_width - you_width) { you.css('left', parseInt(you.css('left')) + 7); move_right = requestAnimationFrame(right); points++; } } function up() { if (game_over === false && parseInt(you.css('top')) > 0) { you.css('top', parseInt(you.css('top')) - 5); move_up = requestAnimationFrame(up); points++; } } function down() { if (game_over === false && parseInt(you.css('top')) < container_height - you_height) { you.css('top', parseInt(you.css('top')) + 5); move_down = requestAnimationFrame(down); points++; } } anim_id = requestAnimationFrame(repeat); function repeat() { var audio1 = new Audio('https://justcodaborate.com/project_images/spooky%20background%20sound.mp4'); var audio2 = new Audio('https://justcodaborate.com/project_images/spooky%20sounds%202.mp4'); // audio1.play(); audio1.addEventListener("ended", function(){ audio1.currentTime = 0; // audio2.play(); }); audio2.addEventListener("ended", function(){ audio2.currentTime = 0; // audio1.play(); }); time++; if(time==3000) { end_game(); } if(collision(you, ghost1, 'ghost') || collision(you, vampire, 'vampire') || collision(you, zombie1, 'zombie') || collision(you, bat1, 'bat')) { lives--; anim_id = requestAnimationFrame(repeat); if(lives==1) { end_game(); cancelAnimationFrame(repeat); } else { lives--; } return; } if(hit(you, maze)) { move_up = false; move_down = false; move_left = false; move_right = false; } if(collision(you, gem1, 'gem')) { var hit_gem = new Audio('https://justcodaborate.com/project_images/gem%20sound.mp4'); hit_gem.play(); points++; hit_gem.addEventListener("ended", function(){ hit_gem.currentTime = 0; hit_gem.pause(); anim_id = requestAnimationFrame(repeat); }); } if(collision(you, powerup, 'powerup')) { lives++; points++; anim_id = requestAnimationFrame(repeat); if(lives==3) { return; } } enemie_move(ghost1); enemie_move(vampire); enemie_move(zombie1); enemie_move(bat1); enemie_move(gem1); enemie_move(powerup); anim_id = requestAnimationFrame(repeat); } function enemie_move(enemie) { var enemie_current_top = parseInt(enemie.css('top')); var enemie_current_left = parseInt(enemie.css('left')); var enemie_width = parseInt(enemie.width()); var enemie_height = parseInt(enemie.height()); if (enemie_current_top > container_height) { enemie_current_top = -200; var enemie_left = parseInt(Math.random() * (container_width - enemie_width)); enemie.css('left', enemie_left); } if (enemie_current_left > container_width) { enemie_current_left = -200; var enemie_top = parseInt(Math.random() * (container_height - enemie_height)); enemie.css('top', enemie_top); } enemie.css('top', enemie_current_top + speed); enemie.css('left', enemie_current_left + speed); } function end_game() { game_over = true; cancelAnimationFrame(anim_id); cancelAnimationFrame(move_up); cancelAnimationFrame(move_down); cancelAnimationFrame(move_left); cancelAnimationFrame(move_right); $(".container").slideUp(); restart_div.slideDown(); restart_btn.focus(); document.getElementById("restart").innerHTML = "GAME OVER<br>Points: " + points; return true; } function collision($div1, $div2, type) { var x1 = $div1.offset().left; var y1 = $div1.offset().top; var h1 = $div1.outerHeight(true); var w1 = $div1.outerWidth(true); var b1 = y1 + h1; var r1 = x1 + w1; var x2 = $div2.offset().left; var y2 = $div2.offset().top; var h2 = $div2.outerHeight(true); var w2 = $div2.outerWidth(true); var b2 = y2 + h2; var r2 = x2 + w2; if (b1 < y2 || y1 > b2 || r1 < x2 || x1 > r2) return false; return true; } function hit(char, checker) { var char_top = $(char).css('top'); var char_left = $(char).css('left'); var checker_top = $(checker).css('top'); var checker_left = $(checker).css('left'); if(char_left===checker_left) { cancelAnimationFrame(move_up); cancelAnimationFrame(move_down); cancelAnimationFrame(move_left); cancelAnimationFrame(move_right); move_up = false; move_left = false; move_right = false; move_down = false; } } });