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Connect Four
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <title>Connect Four</title> </head> <body> <div id="gameContainer"> <div id="playButton" onclick="newGame(this)"> <p>Play Game</p> </div> </div> <div id="scoreBoard"> <div class="scores"> <div style="margin-right: 20px;" class="score"> <h6>Purple :</h6> <p id="purpleScore">0</p> </div> <div class="score"> <h6>Green :</h6> <p id="greenScore">0</p> </div> </div> </div> </body> </html>
#gameContainer{ width:420px; height:420px; display:flex; flex-direction: row; flex-wrap: nowrap; justify-content: center; border: 7px solid red; box-shadow: 0 6px 12px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.2); } .column{ border:7px solid red; width: 59px; background-color: red; display:flex; flex-direction: column; justify-content: space-between; align-items: center; z-index: 1; position: relative; } .slot{ background-color: black; width:100%; position: absolute; z-index: 2; height:48px; border-radius: 50%; } .slot.clickable.purple:hover{ background-color: purple; } .slot.clickable.green:hover{ background-color: green; } #playButton{ width:100%; height:100%; display:flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; } #playButton:hover{ background-color: grey; } #scoreBoard{ position:absolute; bottom:0; display:flex; flex-wrap: nowrap; flex-direction: column; } .scores{ display:flex; flex-direction: row; justify-content: space-between; }
function newGame(button){ button.style.display = "none"; const game = document.getElementById("gameContainer"); // columns const columns = []; // array that stores columns/rows const slotsArray = []; // determine the next color let nextColor = "purple"; // create columns for(let i = 0; i<7; i++) { const column = document.createElement("div"); column.className = "column"; game.appendChild(column); columns.push(column); } class Slot { constructor(element, column, row) { this.column = column; this.row = row; this.element = element; this.state = ""; } clicked() { const el = this.element; if(!el.classList.contains("clickable")) return; el.style.backgroundColor = nextColor; this.state = nextColor; // make this element not clickable el.classList.remove("clickable"); // make next element clickable if(slotsArray[this.column][this.row-1]) { slotsArray[this.column][this.row-1].element.classList.add( "clickable", nextColor ) } //check for game over if (isDraw(slotsArray) == true) gameOver(nextColor); if(isWinner(this.column, this.row, nextColor, slotsArray) == true) gameOver(nextColor); // change next color let oldColor = nextColor; nextColor == "purple" ? (nextColor = "green") : (nextColor = "purple"); document.querySelectorAll(".clickable").forEach((el) => { el.classList.remove(oldColor); el.classList.add(nextColor); }); } } // create slots and push to columns columns.forEach((el, col) => { let slotColumn = []; for(i = 0; i<6; i++) { const div = document.createElement("div"); div.classList.add("slot"); el.appendChild(div); const slot = new Slot(div, col, i); slotColumn.push(slot); div.onclick = function() { slot.clicked(); }; div.style.top = i * 70 + 2 + "px"; } slotsArray.push(slotColumn); }); slotsArray.forEach(col=>{ col[5].element.classList.add("clickable", nextColor) }) console.log(slotsArray) } // check if game is draw function isDraw(slotsArray) { let isDraw = true; slotsArray.forEach(col=>{ col.forEach(slot=> { if(slot.state == "") isDraw = false; }); }); return isDraw; } // test the lines to see if someone has won function testLines(lines, color, slotsArray) { let connectedSlots = 1; // slots touching, if 4 you win lines.forEach(line=>{ for(i = 0; i<line.length; i++) { const slotLocation = line[i]; column = slotLocation[0]; row = slotLocation[1]; // don't allow for searching off screen if(column >= 0 && column <= 6 && row >= 0 && row <= 5) { // make sure it is defined if(typeof(slotsArray[column][row]) !== 'undefined') { if(slotsArray[column][row].state == color) { connectedSlots += 1; console.log(connectedSlots); } else break; } } else break; } }); if(connectedSlots >= 4) return true; return false; } // check if there is a winner function isWinner(col, row, color, slotsArray) { const winningLines = { horizontal: [ [ [col-1, row], [col-2, row], [col-3, row], [col-4, row] ], [ [col+1, row], [col+2, row], [col+3, row], [col+4, row] ] ], vertical: [ [ [col, row-1], [col, row-2], [col, row-3], [col, row-4] ], [ [col, row+1], [col, row+2], [col, row+3], [col, row+4] ] ], diagonalLeft: [ [ [col-1, row-1], [col-2, row-2], [col-3, row-3], [col-4, row-4] ], [ [col+1, row+1], [col+2, row+2], [col+3, row+3], [col+4, row+4] ] ], diagonalRight: [ [ [col-1, row+1], [col-2, row+2], [col-3, row+3], [col-4, row+4] ], [ [col+1, row-1], [col+2, row-2], [col+3, row-3], [col+4, row-4] ] ] }; if(testLines(winningLines.horizontal, color, slotsArray)==true) return true; if(testLines(winningLines.vertical, color, slotsArray)==true) return true; if(testLines(winningLines.diagonalLeft, color, slotsArray)==true) return true; if(testLines(winningLines.diagonalRight, color, slotsArray)==true) return true; return false; } // check if game is over function gameOver(winner) { console.log("game over"); setScore(winner); // delete game document.querySelectorAll(".column").forEach((column)=>{ column.innerHTML = ""; column.parentNode.removeChild(column); document.getElementById("playButton").style.display = "inherit"; }); } // set score on the scoreboard function setScore(winner) { if (winner == "undefined") return; document.getElementById(winner+"Score").innerHTML = parseInt(document.getElementById(winner+"Score").innerHTML) + 1; }